How to Throw The Ball Away In Madden 18: Madden 18 Is A Bit Different

fifa15-coin Date: Nov/14/17 15:53:48 Views: 1854

In last year, one of issues for Madden 17 is sliding was a bit cumbersome. When you have to hit all of those buttons in unison it can put you at greater risk. But this year, Madden 18 is a bit different - and a lot simpler. To QB slide on the Xbox One, you'll simply press X once you've passed the line of scrimmage. QB sliding on the PS4 is also just as simple: all you have to do is pass the line of scrimmage and press Square. It's a great opportunity to invite friends to buy cheap madden 18 coins from U4GM. 



How To Throw The Ball Away In Madden 18


Things are a tab bit different this year, as Madden 18's now powered by the Frostbite engine. If the pocket is collapsing around you and the outside linebackers are rushing toward you faster than freight trains, you won't be able to slide in these situations. On the contrary, you will need to throw the ball away and forfeit the down to not lose any yardage, turn the ball over, or get your QB grievously injured. 


noticeably, before taking to the field, head over to Madden 18's practice mode and give these exercises a quick whirl to get the feel for their animations. Obviously, it seems rather simple to just slide or throw the ball away - and it is. The only thing is that Madden 18 doesn't really tell you how to do either one. Sliding and throwing the ball away are two great options if you've run out of time on the football field.


Madden NFL 18 is almost upon us, Longshot mode is Madden NFL 18 is the series' first attempt at a story mode. One thing is for sure, though, you don't play much actual football in the game mode. You never play a full Madden-style 11-on-11 game. The Madden Ultimate Team (MUT) is the ultimate fantasy football mode. For these mode, stay tuned to U4GM for more Madden 18 tips, strategies, and guides, visit the official website here